We provide the online solutions that help event planner strategically manage events, conferences and meetings.
Our Features & Your Benefits:
Web-based Application
Our iConference management platform is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application, which makes it faster, cheaper and easier to deploy than traditional software. |
Painless Upgrades/Maintenance
We maintain the servers and manage all updates and upgrades, there are no patches for our customers to download or install. |
Highly Secure Infrastructure
We ensure continuous network and service availability, and protect our customer's data. |
Lower Initial Costs
We are on subscription based. No license fees mean lower initial costs. We manage the IT infrastructure means lower IT costs for hardware, software, and the people needed to manage it all. |
Professional Support
We provide global customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; our dedicated staff is available by phone or email. |
Our Customers |
- Top financial services companies - Top travel management companies - Top event management companies |
Enquires |
Mpplication Group Limited
Room 3208, 32/F, Central Plaza 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai Hong Kong
T: +852.2231.9613
F: +852.2231.9600
E: enquiry@mpplication.com