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Our Story
Mpplication iConferenceTM launched in September 2000, and is being enhanced from week to week!

Our philosophy
1. We make tools that are easy to use.
2. We make tools that save you lots of time (and we are constantly working on more).
3. We offer professional support for all your needs and questions.

Our mission is helping you, the event & conference planner, be more successful.

How? By letting you do your thing. You already have enough to look after, so back-office tasks should never waste your valuable time. With Mpplication iConference, we have created integrated tools that clear your plate for the work you really want to do.

Mpplication iConference is an innovative, integrated, intelligent and easy to use event and conference management application so that the planner could manage the event and conference more effective and efficient.
Mpplication Group Limited
Room 3208, 32/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

T: +852.2231.9613
F: +852.2231.9600
E: enquiry@mpplication.com
Mpplication Group Limited
Room 3208, 32/F, Central Plaza
18 Harbour Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong

T: +852.2231.9613
F: +852.2231.9600
E: enquiry@mpplication.com
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